Natural Weight Loss

5 Tips For Natural Weight Loss

It seems that everyone has an opinion on natural weight loss these days. Unfortunately, more often then not people who are looking to lose a few pounds turn to extreme diets to lose weight, however these methods rarely solve the problem and you end up putting the weight back on. The reality is there's no magic bullet for losing weight, however there are healthy natural weight loss solutions that you can use today to get you started on the road to the body you've always wanted.

Tip 1 - Take It One Step At A Time

With out a doubt, the biggest cause of failure when dieting is giving in to temptation. It's never easy to stick to a self imposed regime, and if you've ever tried dieting I'm sure at some point you've felt the urge to have a chocolate bar or just a small slice of cake... what harm could it do right?! The problem is that as soon as you allow yourself one treat, your body and mind craves more, and before you know it you've scrapped the diet plan and your raiding the fridge!

The trouble is most people set ambitiously high targets for themselves and these do not help when trying a new natural weight loss diet. Making a sudden change to your eating habits can actually have an adverse effect on your diet plan, as suddenly reducing the amount of food you consume puts your body into survival mode and it naturally stores more fat. You can however make it a lot easier on yourself by taking small steps before you try a radical new diet. Start by just cutting one thing out of your diet for a week, say a mid morning snack. Keep that up for a week, and then add another thing your cutting down, like no pizza. This way your building up to eating less more healthily, a step at a time which makes you much much more likely to succeed.

Tip 2 - Organize Your Meals

If you're planning a new natural weight loss diet, organize your meal times before you start. If you decide what your going to eat for each meal time and how often your going to eat that day, then you have a plan to stick to. If your approach is simply, 'I'm going to eat less and more healthily' then you'll find you'll find it harder to keep it up. Just sit down on Sunday of each week, and fill in a week planner so you can prepare yourself just be looking at the chart, for what your going to be eating that day.

Tip 3 -Change Your Snacking

Snacking is one of the enemies of natural weight loss solutions as well as being unnecessary for your body. Remember, your body works on routine. If your routine involves you eating a pastry every morning at 10am at your desk, your body will expect to get fed at that time and you will feel hungry if you don't comply. To effectively lose weight we need to stop those urges for food between meals. Its hard when you start a diet to cut out snacking all together, however what you can do is improve the quality of the snack your eating. There's no denying, a piece of fruit or some nuts and raisins are never going to be as appetizing as an apple pastry, but if convenient food helped you lose weight everyone would be thin!

Tip 4 - Cut Out Junk Food

I'm sure you've heard all the 'bad press' about junk food. I've got so say though, this is one of the times when I agree whole-heartedly with the press, as junk food is terrible for you. Its massively high in calorific content, saturated fat and salt, but perhaps even worse the quality of the product is extremely low.

If you really can't imagine life without your favourite fast food joint, don't despair though as this doesn't mean that you have to cut out junk food completely - the key is moderation. Having the occasional burger or a few pieces fried chicken is fine; you just have to know when enough is enough. If you really have to eat it, junk food should make up no more than 5% of your diet, so that means for every 20 regular (more healthy) meals you eat, you can have one meal of fast food. Don't take that 1 meal as a license to binge out and eat a whole bucket of chicken though! have the same sized portion you've been having with your regular meals and you'll be doing fine.

Tip 5 - Drink lots of water

Drinking lots of water helps you in so many ways I'd need another article to cover it all! For the purposes of natural weight loss solutions however, the main benefit of water is that it suppresses hunger, and helps you to flush out toxins in your body. If you feel a hunger pang coming on, drink a glass of water to suppress your hunger for a few more hours, or combine it with a healthy snack to make sure you last through to your next meal.

Finding natural weight loss solutions that work Isn't just about eating less food. There are many other factors that contribute towards successfully losing weight and we have discussed a few of these above. A diet program which is well structured, easy to follow and contains the right meals can get you the figure you've always wanted, but you need to consider all the 'pieces' involved in the set-up and execution of a successful weight loss program. Finding Natural Weight Loss solutions that work is not an easy task. When you have to take small steps you really need to follow an effective diet plan.